Can parenting be taught to Indian Parents?

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Parenting in India is neither taught nor learnt; it is inherited! The methods and manners of parents trickle down to the children who in turn become clones of their parents when it’s time. Is this the correct form of parenting? Are we doing the right thing? Is parenting about following a legacy or about moving with the times? 

While there is no right or wrong answers to the above questions; what is important to note is that Parenting is a responsibility. There is neither a Rule Book to follow, nor a crash course to enroll for. Parenting is a heartfelt bond between parents and their child. Nonetheless, there are some basic aspects of parenting that one needs to imbibe in their parenting styles.

Nurturing values handed down since generations:

Indian’s are known for our value system and our culture. It is important to cherish that, imbibe that and install that in our children. Respect for elders, following the rich Indian tradition, customs and festivals are all values that need to be taught to the child. So is the need to instill virtues of empathy, compassion, gratitude, caring and sharing. Simultaneously, it is also important to not get bogged down by superstition, myths and blind faith. 

Moving with the times:

At a day and age where boundaries between nations are blurring and the world is becoming one big village, it is also important to make children global citizens. Being flexible, accommodating and accepting is very important. Moving with the times, adapting cultures and being open to ideas is vital. This could pose a tough challenge for Indian parents because we are held back by our customs and rituals and at the same time eager to include new trends. 

Technology too is getting upgraded, updated and moving fast. Parents need to understand its usage, its implications, its pros and cons. Smarter the phone, smarter the child using it. Regulating and proper usage of technology by children is still a new concept for Indian Parents. Understanding that the phone or the internet can connect individuals – both good and bad is vital in this day and age. Information is available in plenty on the net; knowing how to filter the right-from-the-wrong, the-good-from-the-bad and the harmless from the harmful should be explained and taught to the children. In terms of technology awareness, Indian parents are recommended to undergo training/ self-awareness programs themselves which will help them to guide their child appropriately towards handling technology more responsibly and for the betterment of the mankind.

Accepting and Adapting: 

As mentioned, Parenting has no specific rule book. It’s about trial and error and learning from the successes and failures. Also important to note is the fact that what worked for one child might not necessarily work for the second. It is all about learning from the best of the past and picking the best from the current and future. It is about a harmonious balance between traditional and modern. It is about the old living side by side with the new.

Parenting cannot be taught; it has to be experienced and cherished. There are no correct or incorrect forms of parenting, just indulgent and practical practices. Knowing when to indulge and knowing when to hold back is important.  Often parents get bogged down by what’s been done since ages and forget that applying those methods in the current situation is impractical and foolish. Parenting for Indian parents of the current generation should be more about being a friend, a confidant, a buddy and less of an authoritarian, strict, and draconian Parent. Parenting has to be well balanced because we are in the process of creating responsible future generations who should be productive and responsible human beings

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