Offline Schooling in a Covid Positive World

After two whole academic years of online schooling, Academic institutions across the country are looking at opening up schools for regular classes starting January. While the plan is debatable, we still need to understand the feasibility of the plan.

Current Situation

Rise in cases

With India bracing for the third wave of the Corona Virus to hit its cities and villages; the country is getting ready on a war footing. With more than eight districts reporting over 10 % weekly test positive rate and more than 1000 new cases reported on the 1st day of the New Year; the situation is grim. With newer variants of the virus being discovered on a regular basis now; sending children out of the safety shell of the home environment seems risky.

Schools going back to online mode

Schools in two and three-tier cities across the country that were opened up for offline schooling are now contemplating going online once more. West Bengal, several areas of Uttar Pradesh such as Noida, Ghaziabad, and Greater Noida, Delhi, Haryana, Odisha, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu are some of the states that have had to shut down schools and go back to the online format. Many states have had to seal schools when the number of Covid cases among students rose sharply. This is a harsh reality and has to be accepted.

No concrete knowledge about new variants

Viruses constantly keep mutating and evolving. Sometimes the new mutation results in a new strain of the virus. Some variants disappear without causing much damage, while some leave a lasting impression. Vaccines are the best bet to combat the virus; however, with no vaccines launched for young children as yet; the fear of the unknown is very real.

Cons of sending children to schools

Lack of social distancing among children

Facts have to be faced; children are children and will not be conscious of their surroundings once they get into the playful mood. Isolating children, maintaining social distancing, using hand sanitizers on a regular basis, and refraining from sharing lunch boxes or water bottles; rules such as these are difficult to be maintained with children around. We must understand that children have been kept away from their friends for over two years now. The excitement of physically meeting their friends will be a hindrance to maintaining any kind of social distancing.

Winter is the time for viral infections

While there is no recorded relation between winter and viral infections; it is noted that viruses causing cold and cough spread more easily in lower temperatures. The cold and dry air also reduces the body’s immune system resulting in susceptibility to catching these viruses. Therefore, with so much at risk already, sending children to school would be a high-risk situation.

Uncontrolled environment during Travel

For those children traveling long distances to school by bus or private transportation; travel takes place in an uncontrolled environment. School buses, private autos, or taxis might not be sanitized after every trip, making them a hotspot for infections.

Almost the end of the current academic session

Most academic courses – be it CBSE, ICSC, or State boards — are at the far end of the current academic sessions. Bringing children back to school for the remaining three months does not serve any purpose. The final three months of the courses are usually focused on finishing the syllabus for the current academic year, and for extra-curricular celebrations like Sports Day and Annual Day. Risking the safety of students for these activities is questionable.

Pros of sending children back to schools

Kids get back to an interactive learning module

Online learning has had its challenges. Network issues, difficulty understanding concepts, lack of discipline, and in some cases incomplete notes have plagued many students. Children have a disconnect with the school and the school environment. Sending them back to schools would help in bringing them back to a regular schedule. The interactive learning module will also help children understand more and clear their concepts.

Parents get some free time

All through the two years of the lockdown, parents have been busy managing their children, their tantrums, and mood swings. Parents have had their hands full keeping children occupied, busy and engaged. Ensuring children are busy with productive activities has been the biggest challenge. However, with the lockdown extending, the level of tolerance and patience has been exhausted. With children going back to school; parents will finally get some free time for themselves.

Working parents are assured about their child’s whereabouts

The one concern that parents who have started going back to work has been about the whereabouts of their children. Where are they? Who are they with? Are they cared for? Are they eating properly? These concerns will be taken care of, once children start going back to school. Parents can rest assured that their child is in the safe environment of a school and is being taken care of by their teachers for a sizable amount of time during the day.

Kids get a social circle

Kids who have been confined to the four walls of their home with no physical interaction with friends will finally get an opportunity to meet with and interact with their friends. They will increase their social circle, interact more and engage more. This is a great booster, a healthy learning environment, and a wonderful mental stimulant for children.


Since a proper consensus cannot be taken about sending children to school. We can only adopt a mindful and cautious approach. Till schools reopen, parents can create an awareness about safety, hygiene and social distancing in their children. Schools could also give Watch Duties or Monitoring Duties to select Children and inform them to ensure that all safety protocols are adhered to. Finally, parents, teachers and school management have to ensure that learning continues despite the calamity or the seriousness of the situation. Education is a must – online or offline; and if it has to be through an online medium for the time being; then so be it.

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